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TAX AVOIDANCE: Airtel Accused Of Stashing $22m Into Netherlands

TAX AVOIDANCE: Airtel Accused Of Stashing $22m Into Netherlands

By Collins Mtika LILONGWE, Malawi|SHIFTMEDIA|  – Taxation treaties that Malawi signed with other countries over the last fifty years are costing the country hundreds of millions of dollars since they have opened up opportunities for…

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“How Cross Border Beer Smuggling Is Hurting Revenue Collections In Kenya and Uganda”

“How Cross Border Beer Smuggling Is Hurting Revenue Collections In Kenya and Uganda”

By PATRICK JARAMOGI BUSIA- UGANDA- Cross border Bar owners, businessmen and women in the Ugandan border town of Malaba and Busia and their counterparts in Kenya are taking advantage of the porous border points and…

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